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  • Garner, L. D., & Robison, M. K. (2024, Preprint). Individual differences in attention capture, control and working memory. PsyArXiv. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., Garner, L. D., & Campbell, S. (2024, Preprint). Quiet eyes: Visual gaze stability predicts intra- and interindividual variability in attention control. PsyArXiv. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., & Garner, L. D. (2024). Pupillary correlates of individual differences in n-back task performance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. [PDF] [Link] [Data]


  • Garner, L. D., Shuman, J., & Robison, M. K. (2023). Piece-rate time-based incentives improve sustained attention. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Strayer, D. L., Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2023). Effects of goal-setting on sustained attention and attention lapses. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., Celaya, X., Ball, B. H., & Brewer, G. A. (2023). Task sequencing does not systematically affect the factor structure of cognitive abilities. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K. & Nguyen, B. N. (2023). Competition and reward structures nearly eliminate time-on-task performance decrements: Implications for theories of vigilance and mental effort. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(9), 1256 – 1270. [PDF][Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., Ralph, K. M., Gondoli, D. M., Torres, A., Campbell, S., Brewer, G. A., & Gibson, B. S. (2023). Testing locus coeruleus-norepinephrine accounts of working memory capacity, attention control, and fluid intelligence. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23, 1014 – 1058[PDF] [Link] [Data] 
  • Robison, M. K. & Campbell, S. (2023). Baseline pupil diameter does not correlate with fluid intelligence. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. [Link] [PDF] [Data]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2023). Oculometric indicators of individual differences in preparatory control in the antisaccade task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(2), 159 – 176[PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K. (2023). Abrupt vs. gradual visual onsets in go/no-go sustained attention tasks. Attention, Perception,  & Psychophysics, 85, 9 – 22[PDF] [Link] [Data]


  • Benitez, V. L. & Robison, M. K. (2022). Pupillometry as a window into young children’s sustained attention. Journal of Intelligence, 10(4), 107. [Link] [PDF]
  • Unsworth, N., Robison, M. K., & Miller, A. L. (2022). On the relation between working memory capacity and the antisaccade task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,  48(10), 1420 – 1447.[PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Coyne, J. T., Sibley, C., Brown, N. L., Neilson, B., & Foroughi, C. (2022). An examination of relations between baseline pupil measures and cognitive abilities. Psychophysiology, 59, e14124.[PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2022). The influence of working memory capacity and lapses of attention for variation in error monitoring. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22, 450 – 466. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Diede, N. T., Nicosia, J., Ball, B. H., & Bugg, J. M. (2022). A multimodal analysis of sustained attention in younger and older adults. Psychology & Aging, 37(3), 307 – 325.  [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., Trost, J. M., Schor, D., Gibson, B. S., & Healey, M. K. (2022). Pupillary correlates of individual differences in long-term memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 1355-1366. [PDF] [Link] [Data]
  • Robison, M. K., & Brewer, G. A. (2022). Individual differences in working memory capacity, attention control, fluid intelligence, and pupillary measures of arousal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(9), 1296- -1310. [PDF] [Link] [OSF]
  • Ball, B. H., Robison, M. K., Coulson, A., & Brewer, G. A. (2022). Individual differences in disqualifying monitoring underlie false memories across different paradigms. Memory & Cognition, 50, 751 – 764.[PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Obulasetty, M., Blais, C., Wingert, K. M, & Brewer, G. A. (2022). The effect of binaural beat stimulation on sustained attention. Psychological Research, 86, 808-822.[PDF] [Link] [OSF] 


  • Robison, M. K., Unsworth, N., & Brewer, G. A. (2021). Examining the effects of goal-setting, feedback, and incentives on sustained attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47 (6), 869-891. [PDF] [Link] [OSF]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2021). No consistent correlation between baseline pupil diameter and cognitive abilities after controlling for confounds—A comment on Tsukahara and Engle (2021). Cognition. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Ellis, D. M., Pitaes, M., Karoly, P., & Brewer, G. A. (2021). Acute pain impairs sustained attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27, 3, 563-577. [PDF][Link] [OSF]
  • Unsworth, N., Robison, M. K., & Miller, A. L. (2021). Individual differences in lapses of attention: A latent variable analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150, 7,  1303-1331​. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2021). Are individual differences in attention control related to working memory capacity? A latent variable mega analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150, 7, 1332-1357. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2021). Is working memory capacity related to baseline pupil diameter? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, 228 – 237. [PDF[Link]
  • Ellis, D. M., Robison, M. K., & Brewer, G. A. (2021). The cognitive underpinnings of multiply-constrained problem solving. Journal of Intelligence, 9, 7. [PDF] [Link]


  • Chowdry, M. S. N., Dutta, N., Robison, M. K., Blais, C., Brewer, G. A., & Bliss, D. W. (2020). Deep neural network for visual stimulus-based reaction time estimation. Sensors, 20, 21, 6090. [PDF] [Link]
  • ​Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2020). Individual differences in lapses of sustained attention: Ocolumetric indicators of intrinsic alertness and preparatory control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46, 569 – 592. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Brewer, G. A. (2020). Individual differences in working memory capacity and the regulation of arousal. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, ​3273 – 3290. [PDF] [Link][OSF]
  • Robison, M. K., Miller, A. L., & Unsworth, N. (2020). A multifaceted approach to individual differences in mind-wandering. Cognition, 198, 104078. [PDF] [Link] [OSF]
  • Chowdry, M. S. N., Dutta, N., Robison, M. K., Blais, C., Brewer, G. A., & Bliss, D. W. (2020). A generalized model to estimated reaction time corresponding to visual stimulus using single-trial EEG. 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Montréal, QC, Canada. [PDF][Link]
  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2020). Working memory capacity and sustained attention: A cognitive-energetic perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46, 77 – 103. [PDF] [Link]


  • Unsworth, N., Robison, M. K., & Miller, A. L. (2019). Individual differences in baseline oculometrics: Examining variation in baseline pupil diameter, spontaneous eye blink rate, and fixation stability. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 1074 – 1093. [PDF] [Link][OSF]
  • Unsworth, N., Miller, A. L., & Robison, M. K. (2019). Individual differences in encoding strategies and free recall dynamics. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 2495 – 2508. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Miller, A. L., & Unsworth, N. (2019). Examining the effects of probe frequency, response options, and framing within the thought-probe method. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 398 – 408. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2019). Pupillometry tracks fluctuations in working memory performance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 407 – 419. [PDF] [Link]


  •  Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2018). Tracking mind-wandering and arousal state with pupillometry. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, 638 – 664. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., Robison, M. K., & Miller, A. L. (2018). Pupillary correlates of fluctuations in sustained attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience30, 1241 – 1253. [PDF] [Link]
  • Adam, K. C. S., Robison, M. K., & Vogel, E. K. (2018). Contralateral delay activity tracks fluctuations in working memory performance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1229 – 1240. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Miller, A. L., & Unsworth, N. (2018). Individual differences in working memory capacity and filtering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 1038 – 1053. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2018). Tracking working memory maintenance with pupillometry. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics80, 461 – 484. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2018). Cognitive and contextual correlates of spontaneous and deliberate mind-wandering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 85 – 98. [PDF] [Link]


  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2017). The importance of arousal for variation in working memory capacity and attention control: A latent variable pupillometry study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 1962 – 1987. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2017). Individual differences in working memory capacity predict learned control over attentional capture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 1912 – 1924. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N. & Robison, M. K. (2017). A locus coeruleus-norepinephrine account of individual differences in working memory capacity and attention control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 1282 – 1311. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2017). Variation in the use of cues to guide attention in visual working memory. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 1652 – 1665. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., McGuirk, W. P., & Unsworth, N. (2017). No evidence for enhancements to visual working memory with transcranial direct current stimulation to prefrontal or posterior parietal cortices. Behavioral Neuroscience, 131, 277 – 288. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2017). Working memory capacity and mind-wandering during low-demand cognitive tasks. Consciousness and Cognition, 52, 47 – 54. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2017). Pupillary correlates of covert shifts of attention during working memory maintenance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 782 – 795. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2017). Individual differences in working memory capacity and resistance to belief bias in syllogistic reasoning.  The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 1471 – 1484. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., Gath, K. I., & Unsworth, N. (2017). The neurotic wandering mind: An individual differences investigation of neuroticism, mind-wandering, and executive control. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 649 – 663. [PDF][Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2017). Working memory capacity, strategic allocation of study time, and value-directed remembering. Journal of Memory and Language, 93, 231 – 244. ​[PDF] [Link]


  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2016). Pupillary correlates of lapses of sustained attention. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, 601 – 615. [PDF] [Link]
  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2016). Do participants differ in their cognitive abilities, task motivation, or personality characteristics as a function of time of participation? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 897 – 914. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N., & Robison, M. K. (2016). The influence of lapses of attention on working memory capacity. Memory & Cognition, 44, 188 – 196. ​[PDF] [Link]


  • Robison, M. K., & Unsworth, N. (2015). Working memory capacity offers resistance to mind-wandering and external distraction in a context-dependent manner. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 680 – 690. [PDF] [Link]
  • Unsworth, N. & Robison, M. K. (2015). Individual differences in the allocation of attention to items in working memory: Evidence from pupillometry. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 757 – 765. [PDF] [Link]


  • Gibson, B. S., Gondoli, D. M., Johnson, A. C., & Robison, M. K. (2014). Recall initiation strategies must be controlled in training studies that use immediate free recall tasks to measure the components of working memory capacity across time. Child Neuropsychology, 20, 536-556.​ [PDF] [Link]