Matthew Robinson

Matthew Robison, Ph.D. | Principal Investigator | CV | Google Scholar

I grew up in Baltimore, MD, and attended the University of Notre Dame as an undergraduate student, studying business and psychology. I then completed by graduate studies in cognitive psychology under the mentorship of Nash Unsworth at the University of Oregon. I am interested in individual differences cognitive abilities – the stable and relatively immutable characteristics of individuals – and how they arise, as well as using experimental methods to tests ways in which we maximize cognitive performance. Outside the lab, I enjoy playing basketball, agonizing over Notre Dame football, and watching just about any NBA game on TV.

Stephen Campbell

Stephen Campbell | Graduate Student | Google Scholar

I received my B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, Riverside in 2019. After graduation, I worked as the lab manager for the Cognitive Neuroscience of Perception, Attention, and Memory lab under Dr. Weiwei Zhang at UCR researching the effects of concurrent physical effort on some aspects of attention and memory along with research relating to the COVID pandemic. My research interests lie in working memory, visual attention, and individual differences. In my free time, you can find me reading, playing tennis, or probably just taking a nap.

Lauren Garner

Lauren Garner, B.S., M.S. | Graduate Student

I am a PhD student at UTA training in Experimental Psychology. I have a BS in Cognitive Neuroscience and a MS in General Psychology. I am interested in studying the physiological correlates of cognitive processes like attention, fluid intelligence, and working memory measured by techniques like pupillometry. Outside the lab, I enjoy running, being outdoors, and spending time with my husband, two cats and golden retriever.

Niitia Davis

Niitia Davis | Postbaccalaureate Researcher

Reyes Flores

Reyes Flores | Undergraduate Researcher

​​I am a senior at UTA, majoring in both Psychology and Biology. I joined the CAM Lab because I am very interested in our overall cognitive abilities. I am super interested in how our bodies create the cognitive processes and plan on continuing my education until becoming a psychiatrist. I will be highly focused on neuroscience. During my spare time, I enjoy my family and volunteer for local organizations involving children. 

Daniela Ventura

Daniela Ventura | Undergraduate Researcher

I am a Senior at UTA, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Neuroscience, Clinical health & Social work. I have been with the CAM lab since Spring 2023 to gain hands on experience in research and learn more about cognitive processes. I am also a McNair Scholar and just completed my research project this past summer 2023 titled “Evaluating Reward-based Processing and its Clinical Correlates in Adolescents with Epilepsy and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders” under the mentorship of Dr. Tracy L. Greer and Dr. Crystal M. Cooper. In the near future, I hope to pursue a PhD in Clinical/Counseling Psychology and focus on reducing mental health disparities in marginalized youth and their families. Outside of the lab, I enjoy going on hikes with my dog, doing hot yoga, Kayaking and reading! 

Doris Granados

Doris Granados | Undergraduate Researcher

Juliana Cunha

Juliana Cunha | Undergraduate Researcher

I am a Psychology major with a minor in organizational science. I’m also a transfer student in my senior year at UTA. I have been really interested in joining research, and this lab provided me with that opportunity. In the past, I enjoyed my courses in cognitive processes and am now eager to expand my experiences in the field. My end goal is to obtain a PhD in counseling because psychology is truly my passion. I’m very involved on campus with Psychology Society, and outside of school I enjoy working out and visiting beaches! 

Barbara Kiama

Barbara Kiama | Undergraduate Researcher

I am a Junior at UT Arlington majoring in Biology and minoring in Psychology and Chemistry. I joined the CAM Lab because of my interest in cognitive processes particularly the implications that conditions (such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and epilepsy) can have on our ability to employ cognitive functions throughout our lives. In the future, I plan to pursue an M.D., I’m currently interested in specialties such as orthopedics and thoracic. Outside of the lab, I like baking, reading, and photographing!

Lab Alumni

  • ​Britney Bright
  • Anisha Sharma
  • ​Angie Gonzalez
  • Lauren Barrientos
  • Brian Nguyen
  • ​Paolo Mateo
  • Ed Davis
